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Kauai Birth Resources
Reliable Home birth Midwives
Hawai'i Home Birth Collective LLC
Midwives Alliance of Hawai'i
Pacific Birth Collection ​
Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Professional & Vocational Licensing Division
North American Registry of Midwives
Hospital Birth Options
Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital ​
​Crisis support for family violence or sexual abuse
YWCA of Kauai (808) 245 6362
Lactation ​Support
Natural Birth Hawaii (808)346-9649

I recently worked with couple pregnant parents with babies in the breech position. Most of the babies self-repositioned with Spinning Babies®’ techniques, but some of them did not. I sought insight into what happened and ideas for similar situations in the future. One of the pregnant parents had chronic pain, the other one had athletic body types and high physical activity levels, and one of them also had a history of hernia repair, Now I know how to work on parents with similar history in early pregnancy to help their babies to move to the ideal birth position.
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