Easing labor pain without an epidural
Jun 7, 2024
Elmira Farnoosh LM, CPM
Some people prefer epidural for pain relief. However, a Holistic approach without pain medications is becoming more popular due to increasing the chance of satisfying vaginal birth. Science proved the rate of C section or baby’s heart tone deceleration by unnessacery routine interventions is higher.
Why unmedicated natural birth?
Simply because it is natural, it's empowering. it's magical.right? Woman's body is perfectly designed for childbirth! Natural birth includes avoiding the risks of an epidural, having more control over delivery or remembering the experience more clearly and embrace their femininity.
Typically, women who birth naturally:
They have full control over their body
They are able to choose their own birthing position
Have a higher spontaneous birth rate
Recover more quickly after birth
Reduce the chance of episiotomy
Avoid potential side effects from the epidural including low blood pressure, headaches and fever, backache ,etc
If you have a healthy pregnancy with no complications, you’re likely a good candidate to attempt a unmedicated natural childbirth but first you should be screen by your midwife to rule out high risk health conditions.
Here are Ten ways to prepare for a satisfiying natural birth experience.
1. Choose the right provider
Select a health care provider who is on board with un medicated natural birth, has experience working as a holistic provider, understands birthing plans, and has a low rate of cesarean births. Look for a location where birth workers actively work with parents to ensure their birth goes according to their plans. Natural birth Hawaii, a family centered midwifery care, personalize your care. We welcome your love ones to support you during labor. If you’re unsure who to choose for your delivery, that’s okay. We provide you a complimentary free consultation to help you get started on your exciting journey.
2. Exercise regularly You will increase the chance of fulfilling natural birth by being physically active. You should work out or go for a quick walk regularly with 30 minutes of active movement five to six days a week. Flexibility will help you when it comes time to push. Aim for 30 minutes of prenatal yoga, body balancing sessions once or twice a week.
3. Sign up for childbirth education classes
Parents who attend birthing classes are more likely to have a satisfied birth experience. Natural birth classes such as Bradley and hypnobirthing teach strategies to cope with labor pain. They also give you realistic expectations and instill confidence. Natural Birth Hawaii also provides childbirth education class don't miss that and sign up at naturalbirthhawaii.com
4. Hire a Doula
A doula provides you guidance, encouragement, and reassurance during labor and childbirth. While they don’t provide medical care, doulas also act as an advocate for you. According to a 2017 Cochrane review, mothers who received continuous labor support from a partner, midwife, or doula were more likely to give birth vaginally, less likely to need forceps or a cesarean section, had faster labors, and were more satisfied with their births.
5. Write a birth plan
A birth plan is a document that outlines your labor, delivery and postpartum preferences. Women who go into labor with a birth plan are more likely to have a satisfying childbirth Discuss your birth plan with your health care provider early to ensure that your wishes can be honored by your health care team.
Natural Birth Hawaii has one of the lowest C-section rates. Write down your birth plan by details.We can help you make a birth plan that covers all your needs. Call (808)346-9649 to make an appointment with our lovely experienced license midwives.
6. Spend early labor at home with your love-ones
If you want an unmedicated natural birth and a lower C-section rate, practice patience and stay home for the early part of labor. Most low-risk women are safe spending early labor at home Keep yourself relaxed, hydrated, rested and nourished. Plan on labor being a marathon, not a sprint. Active labor begins when the cervix is dilated to about 6 centimeters. Call your provider to determine when to come in.
7. Learn to manage your contractions
Remember contractions are going to bring your baby to your arms. One of the secrets to an unmedicated birth is being able to relax between the contractions. Fear increases tension which increases pain and an overwhelming experience. If you can stay somewhat relaxed in the face of strong contractions, you'll have less resistance to opening up for the baby to come out. Rhythmic breathing, meditation self-hypnosis, and other relaxation techniques are excellent tools for all stages of labor specially during the transition.
8. Take advantage of pain relief techniques
There are plenty of techniques that can help you manage pain without the use of western medicine drugs. Consider using some or all of these under your provider's supervision:
Water birth
Birthing ball
Move around, walk, pace, squat, rock, sway, dance
Warm or cold compresses
Relaxing Breathing techniques
Essential oils/aromatherapy
Energy medicine
Homeopathic remedies
Reboza for labor
Herbal remedies and many more
9. Mentally prepare yourself
Birth is a unique experience that embrace us to our roots without any filter. If you have any trauma and you haven't solve it yet, now it's time! before the trauma takes the control of your labor keep it under your control you might want to have consultation by a psychologist and heal your trauma before you go to labor. A successful birth is the one you trust your body and you are mentally strong! Your body knows what to do, YOU need to trust the process and belive in yourself because birth is all about women's strength.
10.Have fun, feel sexy and laugh a lot
Believe it or not birth hormones are almost the same hormones secreted during the sexual activity. A lot of women enjoy multi-orgasm during the childbirth. Laughing, dancing are highly recommended during the labor to decrease your anxiety and relax your body
In conclusion, natural birth has many rewards. Most women can do it if they choose to. However, birth can be unpredictable and pain relief and cesarean sections are sometimes necessary. Follow for more tips
For additional information on satisfying child birth:
